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Title: Classification of Diseases and Comprehensive Collection of Exampl



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1.The survey and identification of Lilium spp.diseases in Yuxi City;玉溪市百合病害种类的调查与鉴定


1.Disease survey and pathogen identification on Notopterygium incisum in Gansu province甘肃省羌活病害种类调查及病原鉴定

2.Investigation on Species and Damage of Lemon Diseases in Ruili瑞丽柠檬主要病害种类及其危害的调查研究

3.Study on Diseases Species and Causal Pathogens of Emilia Sonchifolia in Guangxi广西一点红病害种类调查及其病原菌鉴定

4.Preliminary studies on turfgrass diseases and identification of the pathogens in Chongqing重庆市草坪草病害种类调查及病原鉴定初报

5.An Investigation on Main Crop Bacterial Diseases and Their Distribution in Anhui安徽省主要植物细菌病害种类及其分布

6.Study on Identification of Bacterial Disease and Control of Processing Tomato in Xinjiang;新疆加工番茄细菌病害种类鉴定及防治研究

7.Populus Cultivation-clones in Different Cultivated Area and Its Diseases in China中国不同栽培区杨树品系及其病害种类

8.A preliminary investigation in the disease type of Pinellia ternate(Thunb.) Breit.in Guizhou Provinceor贵州省半夏常见病害种类调查与鉴定初报

9.Studies on Diseases Species of Major Medicinal Plants in Sichuan and Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.) of Ophiopogon Japonicus;四川省主要药用植物病害种类调查及川麦冬炭疽病的研究

10.Kinds of Fungus Disease Caused Mature Pepper Blight in Protecteded Field and Pathogen Identification;苏北地区引起保护地辣椒成株期死株的真菌病害种类和病原鉴定

11.Investigation on Diseases of Pinellia Ternata (Thunb.) Breit. in Guizhou, Control Technique Study of Damping-off贵州省半夏病害种类调查及立枯病防治技术研究

12.Study on the Fungal Diseases of Amomum Villosum Lour et. of Major Economical Plants in Huajiang Gorge Area Guizhou Province and Control Fungicides Selection;贵州花江峡谷砂仁等主要经济植物真菌病害种类调查及药剂筛选

13.Investigation on the Main Diseases and Insect Pests on Asparagus officinalis L. in Hebei Province河北省芦笋主要病虫害种类及为害调查

14.Studies on Species and Biological Characteristics of Watermelon Diseases and Insect Pests;西瓜病虫害的种类及生物学特性研究

15.Major Kinds of Diseases and Insect Pests of Illicium verum and Corresponding Control in Funing County富宁县八角主要病虫害种类及其治理

16.Disease and Pathogenic Types of Several Cool-season Turfgrass in North Area北方冷季型草坪草病害及病原种类调查

17.The nephritis is one of the common and detrimental diseases.肾炎是一种常见的危害人类健康的疾病。

18.Abstract: The nephritis is one of the common and detrimental diseases.文摘:肾炎是一种常见的危害人类健康的疾病。


virus-like diseases病毒类病害种类

3)insect pest type病虫害种类

1.The paper analyzes the problems in control of main insect pest in garden plants and puts forward some suggestions to strengthen control of main insect pest in garden plants on the basis of investigating maininsect pest types in garden plants and its control situation in Fengcheng city.对丰城市园林植物主要病虫害种类及防治现状进行了调查,分析了防治工作中存在的问题,对今后的病虫害防治工作提出了几点建议。

4)fungus plant disease type真菌性病害种类

5)kinds of fungus disease真菌病害种类

6)seed-borne disease种传病害


病害1.疾苦。 2.由细菌﹑真菌﹑病毒﹑藻类﹑不适宜的气候或土壤等因素引起的植物体发育不良﹑枯萎或死亡。

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